Did you know there are 542,000 children and teens in foster care any given day in the United States. At age 18 66% of persons in foster care leave without a high school diploma 61% have no job experience and 25% end up on the streets. These are sad but true statistics, that's why Sleep Country USA has created their foster kids program where they collect donations of the basic necessities that growing foster children need, but often do not have, as well as raising public awareness of local foster children’s needs.

Right now through February 26th Sleep Country is holding their "Foster Kids Pajama Drive" designed to help Pacific Northwest foster children replace pajamas, socks and underwear that have become worn out or too small. You can help by donating new pajamas, packaged underwear and socks to one of the 3 Sleep Country locations in Tri-Cities. At the end of the drive all donations will go to local foster kids in need.

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