Nothing can put you in a good mood more than kids and the funny things they say.  Share your stories and learn a fun way to preserve these memories!Just the other day my 3 year old had my husband and I laughing hysterically.  When asked where she wanted to go to dinner, her response was "Red Robin Hood."  Then later, while brushing my hair, she asked if I wanted my hair like a "pea-hawk" - not sure if she was meaning a peacock or a mohawk but either way it was too cute and just could not correct her.  What are some of the funny things your kids have said?

Check out this fun and unique way to treasure these memories:


Write down all the cute/funny things your children say and save them in a jar (you could label the jars by the years).  Treasure as a keepsake or give as a gift when the kids are older.


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