I'm a huge fan of the Pasco Police Department's Facebook page. The daily posts are informative and occasionally you get a little chuckle here and there proving that law enforcement officials can have a sense of humor.

I think the Pasco Police Department should start citing kids this summer. I know what you thinking...why would the Pasco Police Department start handing out tickets to little kids.

I saw this recent story out of Brimfield, Ohio.  Police have been ticketing children and here is why... 

If kids are wearing bike helmets, they receive a ticket for free ice cream as part of the police department's Operation Safe Summer program.

I think it's a fantastic idea that should be adopted in Pasco.

It would create goodwill in a city that struggles with good police and citizen relationships. I think that Dairy Queen or McDonalds would be the perfect treat for those kids that are obeying the law during the summer.

It would be great to reward kids for good behavior and it will also make a great lasting impression on them.

Think about it Pasco Police Department.

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