For those of you that know Janis Clardy from the Palm Bar and grill in Benton know you're going to get abused!

here is a perfect example of her shenanigans:

janis clardy

Another time, two guys walked in and sat down at the bar, she looked at them and said...."awwww is it date night?" they clearly were not a couple.

Here is a few Random Janis facts

1. she's deathly afraid of spiders

2. never get in an argument with will lose!

3. remember when she was growing out her hair? that was dang funny!

bad hair day

4. Her kids are out of control

janis kids

5.Except for Kamrace, I'm pretty sure Janis stole her from the hospital.

janis daughter

6. She likes to punch people in the Gullet...not the throat...THE GULLET!

7. She has a cooler in her vehicle at all times full of cheese and crackers.

8. She has saved me from a couple of uncomfortable situations...#metoomovement

9. Every pair of boots she owns is considered a deadly weapon.

10. Speaking of Deadly weapons...ya she likes em.

janis deadlly weapons

11.She once gave me an 8x10 of herself....I hang it by the gives me confidence!

pic of janis

actually she is the best!

Have a great day my friend!

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