Breast Cancer Awareness

We Were Flocked for Breast Cancer Awareness
We Were Flocked for Breast Cancer Awareness
We Were Flocked for Breast Cancer Awareness
Arriving at the radio stations this morning, we weren't quite sure what to make of the pink flamingos.  Everywhere. After some investigation, we discovered we'd been "flocked."  We are honored and will be having a few people flocked.  What a wonderful way to bring awareness as well as a smile to others...
Hanford High Student Lets Class Shave Her Head!
Hanford High Student Lets Class Shave Her Head!
Hanford High Student Lets Class Shave Her Head!
Last Friday 15-year-old Hanford High School freshman Kyrstynn Landsman got permission for her entire fourth period choir class to shave her head. When asked how it felt she said, Weird; it's not describable. I was nervous because people were bombarding me, when the shaving started I was OK...
In Case You Missed it My Interview With Tracci Dial From KNDU
In Case You Missed it My Interview With Tracci Dial From KNDU
In Case You Missed it My Interview With Tracci Dial From KNDU
So as you know October is Breast Cancer awareness month and this year I decided to go public and have a mammogram on television...I know crazy right?? It was for a good cause and I WOULD not have done it unless I had the best newscaster in the business and that is Tracci Dial....

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