City of Walla Walla Readies the Plaza for Social Distancing In the Sun
Downtown Kennewick is closing streets tomorrow to provide outdoor seating for area restaurants, and Walla Walla is all set up with tables and umbrellas in the Plaza. Some folks are wondering if the tables will be sanitized between seatings and if there will be table service or can you bring your own food and just enjoy the day here. The City of Walla Walla responded with this:
The tables and chairs will not be designated for any one restaurant, as they will be public tables for anyone to use. We encourage the community to order food and drink for take out and enjoy it while sitting at the plaza.
City staff will be cleaning and sanitizing tables at regular intervals throughout the day. We encourage users of the plaza to use the nearby hand washing stations and/or hand sanitizer. We also encourage social distancing and use of face coverings (when not eating or drinking).