What are the chances that one of the most beloved, touching, moving, hilarious, romantic comedies with a side of edge has every original cast member in talks to bring us a sequel?

It's been nearly 20 years since St. Elmo's Fire hit theatres back in 1985 at the height of the brat pack and 1980's movies that we Gen X'ers couldn't get enough of.

Picture it: Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson, and more, back. Total chills.

St. Elmo's Fire via YouTube
St. Elmo's Fire via YouTube

If it's been a while since you've seen it, the movie centers around besties who just graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., trying to adjust to the real world in life and love.

Demi Moore spilled the news about the entire cast, ready to bring us a sequel, according to a Variety interview.

Does Kirby find love and get over Dale? Does Leslie finally choose between Alec and Kevin? Does Jules stick with her road to recovery?

Here's how one fan and behind-the-scenes Hollywood player, @GeorgeKahn, would love to see it all play out. I especially love how Demi's character Jules's life plays out in this prediction; however, I absolutely don't want Kirby, played by Emilio, to end up with Dale, who was played by Andie McDowell.

Story predictions: Kirby ultimately married Dale. Billy cleaned up and became the most successful. Leslie is married and content (enough), but not married to Alec or Kevin. Kevin is a best-selling author and newspaper columnist, never married, still loves Leslie. Alec is a senator. Wendy married a nice guy and started a national program to help the homeless. Jules is a self-made lifestyle guru, podcaster, and social media star, divorced, one adult child (who hates her).

As I scrolled through comments on various socials, most people, like me, were beyond excited.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Rob Lowe says it's in the very early stages, just like all project talks start, especially when discussing sequels.

We’ve met with the studio and I have been talking about doing it for about four months. The release of the “Brats” documentary earlier this summer from fellow Brat Packer Andrew McCarthy only added to the excitement around it.

Here's the original trailer. Chills.

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