Washington State has its fair share of celebrities, musicians, actors, writers all born and raised in our back yard. Some of them left more than just a mark on the world, some actually changed it for the better.
We'll get to the list and some names may surprise you, or they may leave you saying, "I know way more famous people than that!" If...
The definitive voice for a generation of Batman fans is Adam West.
I grew up watching the 1960s “Batman” TV series long before Michael Keaton’s Batman hit the big screen in 1989 and I'm going to miss him...a lot.
Unfortunately Adam West passed away this weekend. Many know he was a native resident from Walla Walla. He was born in Walla Walla and attended High School for two years before moving to Seattle where he graduated from Lakeside School. He returned to Walla Walla for college where he graduated from Whitman College with a degree in literature and a minor in psychology...