Here are the 10 best local Missed Connections on Craigslist:
Hot blonde, grn dress, Starbucks - m4w - 39
You weren't wearing a ring and I think you're gorgeous and margaritas are yummy.
Cab ride - m4w - 26
You said I was right on time...
Ever just missed that beautiful lady at the supermarket? Ever wished that guy at the gas station would've looked your way? These are "missed connections" -- opportunities to meet someone that passed because you had to get back to work, take your kids to school, meet your friend for a lunch that were already late for...
YOU: You've made a business out of discovering unknown talent by making people compete for votes on national television. You also managed to bring back the boy band when we least expected it. Your brutally honest -- and usually quite insulting -- critiques of performances make you frightening and refreshing all at once...
Anyone have a video game obsessed spouse? Alyse Bradley, of Logan, Utah, recently listed her video game-obsessed husband for sale on Craigslist because she got tired of being ignored. She says, “I didn’t see him much at all. So one day I told him: ‘I am going to post you on Craigslist, you know,’?