Do you do this, too? I don't know if anyone taught me about putting shells back in the carton but always have ever since I can remember. It wasn't even something my parents did, just sometime I did. Not sure. I've been doing this for years but, as I've come to find out, I need to stop.
I've tried putting baking soda in the water, I've tried peeling from the wide end and using a dish cloth. My old favorite was using a spoon. I've tried all the suggestions and THIS IS THE CHAMPION!
I love scrambled eggs and cook them quite often and always thought there was just one way to cook my surprise TV chef Jamie Oliver shows 3 ways to cook scrambled eggs.
My husband and I go back and forth on the topic of how to make the perfect hard boiled eggs. You would think it's an easy thing but actually it's not. I spotted this hard cooked egg (hard boiled) recipe and tried it at home and it really works.
Did you know that the way you prefer your eggs reveals your personality. The British Egg Industry Council did a survey of 1000 people. Here's what they found: