Troopers says a minivan driven by 34-year-old Jesus A Banda Banda of Mattawa entered SR 17 from eastbound North Lake Road without stopping at a stop sign.
Albert Lin ran for office in a special election and lost to the man who would become his boss. Things went downhill from there and enough witnesses confirmed his mistreatment to force the county to pay him a $140,000 settlement.
A 60-year-old man was at an Ephrata tavern watching a performance with his wife when a fight broke out in the parking lot. He tried to intervene and found himself in a legal mess.
Last year Kelley Wentworth, Ephrata High School Class of 2004, was on "Survivor" with her father. They finished 14th and 13th respectively out of 18. Kelley will be back soon on a new season filmed in Cambodia.
A man in Moses Lake was charged with burglary and robbery after accompanying his sister to confront her ex-fiance last March. This week police agreed to drop the charges to disorderly conduct after realizing the problem arose from his sister paying all the boyfriend's bills.
A 28-year-old Ephrata man was upset the police were raiding his mom's drug den (huge amounts of meth and cash found in her bedroom) so he got back at them.