
How Much Is the Tooth Fairy Paying These Days?
How Much Is the Tooth Fairy Paying These Days?
How Much Is the Tooth Fairy Paying These Days?
Some of us can remember a time when losing a tooth meant that we might find some spare change underneath our pillows the following morning. However, according to a recent survey by credit card company Visa, the days of a fallen chomper being worth chump change are long gone.
Bank of America Will Not Charge Monthly Fee for Debit Card Usage
Bank of America Will Not Charge Monthly Fee for Debit Card Usage
Bank of America Will Not Charge Monthly Fee for Debit Card Usage
In September, Bank of America announced it would soon begin charging customers a $5 monthly fee for using their debit cards, saying it was recouping losses from new laws that limited how much it could charge merchants when debit cards were swiped during transactions. But after a firestorm of negative publicity, BofA waved the white flag of surrender and scrapped the controversial plan.

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