Various medical studies have found that tanning, whether it be done under natural or artificial light, can greatly increase your risk of skin cancer. If anyone’s a prime example of that, it’d be Patricia Krentcil. Despite this blatant fact, a new survey from the American Academy of Dermatology has found that younger people, in particular, are still embracing tanning.
It takes a lot of luck to pick the winning numbers in a million dollar lottery. It takes a lot more to lose the winning ticket and still be able to claim the cash. Hmmm What do you think?
This week, lawmakers in Washington state legalized same-sex marriage and a federal appeals court declared a voter initiative in California, which had made gay marriage illegal, to be unconstitutional.
So what does the public think about gay marriage, in light of these measures?
Like it or not, Facebook users are soon going to be transferred to the Timeline layout, if they haven’t been already.
According to a new survey from security firm Sophos, not too many folks are liking the mandatory change.