Today through Sunday Ranch & Home Kennewick is hosting the "Berkley Trailer Experience" featuring interactive displays, knot tying competitions, hourly seminars, meet & greets with professional fisherman and more!
"Country Gone Pink" is a free concert Oct. 5 in the Ranch & Home parking lot to benefit the Tri-Cities Cancer Center Foundation. Come enjoy music and buy a bracelet, raffle tickets and donate for the free food. The money will go toward breast cancer screenings for women who can't afford them. Party to the music of Nick Berg and Zak Grooms and help save lives!
Come hang out with us on the 2012 Spring Barrel Wine Tour bus!$50 gets you on the bus all day hitting up the best wineries in the area Saturday, April 28th. The tour runs from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Lunch at Shadow Mountain Grill is included in your ticket cost...