social media

See the Other Things Facebook Changed on Your Profile
See the Other Things Facebook Changed on Your Profile
See the Other Things Facebook Changed on Your Profile
Earlier this week, Facebook changed all the default email addresses on its users’ profiles to a brand new address, Sneaky yes, but was it really that big of a deal? Probably not since very few people are ever going to navigate through a Facebook profile to get an email address when it’s so much easier and more reliable to use Facebook’s internal messaging system. However, the folks
Shocking Social Media Punishment
Shocking Social Media Punishment
Shocking Social Media Punishment
Last week ReShonda Tate Billingsley caught her 12 year old daughter postaing a naughty photo. In the photo her 12 year old  was holding a bottle of Vodka, with a caption that said "I sure wish I could drink this." As a punishment ReShonda had her daughter post a very different photo (featured left)...