Let's face it some people watch the big game just for the commercials. The Superbowl is when all the big advertising agencies pull out all the punches to leave their mark on the most watched TV event in the world. In fact NBC has sold all of its Super Bowl ad inventory. 30-second commercials cost $4.5 million
This Friskies Super Bowl commercial is so accurate! It's from the "Dear Kitten" ad series (I love those). "I'm not sure if the objective is to get the food in the mouth hole or near it" -- haha! That's me!
Carl's Jr. is famous for its ads with Kate Upton, Paris Hilton and other blondes depicting them like pieces of meat next to the restaurant's actual pieces of meat. The new ad featuring Charlotte McKinney for the 2015 Super Bowl may be their least-tasteful ever.
The latest of weird, but funny, Super Bowl 2014 commercials features one of 'The Expendables' sharing a ride with Jim Henson's anthropomorphic, puppetized band.
In the new Taco Bell commercial for their Loaded Grillers (which are handheld, portable appetizers), a boyfriend struggles to deal with a girlfriend who is always eating his starters.
So what song does the company use to express his angst?