Kennewick Schools Join National Vaping Lawsuit Against JUULKennewick Schools Join National Vaping Lawsuit Against JUULthis national suit is not part of the just settled $22.5 million WA state suit against JUULJohn McKayJohn McKay
State Launches New Teen Anti-Vaping AppState Launches New Teen Anti-Vaping AppWashington State Department of Health launches new app.John McKayJohn McKay
Gov. Inslee to Announce Vaping Executive Order FridayGov. Inslee to Announce Vaping Executive Order Friday Lots of speculation, no firm idea on what this order will be.John McKayJohn McKay
Heads Up - Smoking Could Cost You $500 In City Parks Heads Up - Smoking Could Cost You $500 In City Parks If you light up in a Walla Walla city park, it could cost you $500. The fine will also include vaping tobacco and marijuana products.Rik MikalsRik Mikals