So all day and last night, I keep seeing the same numbers. 222 or 999. My alarm clock, my car clock, the clock on my stove, the amount of face book friends I have or the number of people following me..Do you ever wonder if there is meaning behind that?

I thought it weird enough today to investigate, And found this is what I found!.


 Number 999 is comprised of the vibrations of the number 9 appearing three times, amplifying and magnifying its powerful influences.  The attributes and energies of the triple number 9 are those of communication, inner-strength, conclusions and endings, humility and humanity, leadership and leading by positive example, intuition and insight, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, lightworking and serving others, setting a positive example, the Universal Spiritual Laws and your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

As the number 9 resonates with endings and closures, the message of repeating Angel Number 999 may be that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is ending.  Trust that this is happening for very karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near future.  It is clearing the way for you to fully pursue your Divine life purpose and soul mission as your soul’s destiny dictates.  Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies.  Repeating 999 is a strong message to fully devote yourself to your life’s mission without delay.  Listen to the guidance from the angels if feeling any fears or doubts about your path.

Angel Number 999 can be a strong suggestion that a phase (or phases) in your life is/are coming to a definite end and you can expect many closures in your life.  Fear not as this is preparing you to begin a wonderful new life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in most positive ways.

Angel Number 999 is a sign that Lightworkers are to step up to their duties and work for the benefit of humanity and the world as a whole.


 Number 222 is made up of the attributes of and energies of the number 2 tripled, making number 222 a very powerful vibration. This number carries the attributes of the numbers 2 and 22, the Master Builder Number that resonates with ancient wisdom, vision, idealism and transformation. Number 2 lends its influences of faith and trust, encouragement, attainment and success, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, selflessness, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 222 has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new auspicious and timely opportunities.

When Angel Number 222 repeats in your life you are asked to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life.  The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths.

The message of repeating Angel Number 222 is that everything will turn out for the best in the long-term.  Do not put your energies into negativity – be aware that all is being working out by spirit for the highest good of all involved.  Angel Number 222 is also reminding you to keep up the good work you are doing, as the evidence of your manifestations are coming to fruition.

Angel Number 222 is a message of faith and trust from your angels.  Know that all is being worked out for the highest good of all involved.  Remember that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason.  Maintain a positive attitude and you will find that everything will have positive results and you will receive abundant blessings in Divine right timing.

Number 222 relates to number 6 (2+2+2=6) and Angel Number 6.

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers
Sacred Scribes

I think this was all pretty cool..and seems right in line with what I've been feeling lately!


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