
Once upon a time I had a wonderful friend Jeff (who used to shoe my horses for me.)

He dreamed of the perfect woman, and it was obvious he was lost without a "special someone" in his life.

One day his whole face lit up as he told me of the girl of his dreams that he met and fell in love with! Her name was Stephanie!

I loved her too! Immediately! Her up beat personality and demeanor was like no other and she loved Jeff as much as he loved her! They soon were married.

Then the news came...that she was diagnosed with breast cancer! Imagine...the horror!  She had to have  surgery and lose her hair and have chemo and radiation treatment.

stephanie Bellingham
stephanie Bellingham

I made myself a pact to pray for her daily and to call and check on her and send positive energy her way each morning! I knew Jeff would be lost without her! And I was scared!

In HER WORDS...Here is her journey:

"I received my diagnosis March 25th, 2011 (two days before I started online college). I do admit that this all happened so fast that it took me a bit to wrap my head around it, and once I digested it the only question that popped into my head was “what does this mean?” The word cancer is scary, it stopped me cold but I decided then and there that I was not going to let it beat me. I was amazed at my cancer team from my surgeon to oncology and radiology doctors. What kept me motivated through my journey was my family and friends. This support was probably the most valuable part of my journey. Also I lost my mother to cancer and I guess I had a determination to not let it take my life too, for her. It was certainly not a pleasant journey but it is doable, it challenges you daily but this is where your support comes in to help keep you positive. There were times when I could have easily stayed home in bed but I didn't let it disrupt my day and I forced myself to get up (the fatigue was the hardest part, it was difficult to even hold my arms up to drive to work). I believe that everything happens for reasons in our lives, so I do not see my diagnosis as a bad thing but rather a challenge. This challenge gave me the opportunity to learn things about myself that I was not fully aware of such as, strength, confidence, and faith. I am competitive enough that I wasn't going to let cancer kick my butt……..Lol The breast cancer survival kit includes support, strength, faith and to fight like a survivor! hugs ~ steph"


I saw Stephanie many times during her treatment and recovery. I never saw her without a smile on her face. She continued college and continued LIFE! She even came out to watch me perform! (Singing)

She's a wonderful person and I thank god everyday that she's alive and well! And my friend Jeff is still glowing!

To all the people battling cancer, I hope Steph is an inspiration! She is to me! I hope we can all support October as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and all do what we can to help those battling the disease!

Thank you Steph for sharing your story! And it goes without saying that Jeff Bellingham is without doubt one of the neatest guys around! What a great support he was to his dear wife Steph!

Love u much!


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