My son posted this cute commercial on facebook and said he liked it but was commenting on the fact that it was "controversial"

I immediately jumped on the Mother band commented that it should be  controversial because they shouldn't be allowed to say that whole wheat in Cherioes is good for you! Because  In fact, it has proven to be so unhealthy to eat flour of any kind.

With all the gluten issues and allergies and what we are learning about wheat products and how they spike your blood sugar etc...Yep, I was on a roll!

Then he said...."Mom, no, it was controversial because of an interracial marriage situation"

At that moment, I climbed off my health band wagon, and wondered just how much of life I actually am clueless about!

Anyway, regardless of all that other controversy...if there truly is have to see the commercial cause it's so super cute and this little girl is darling! And the commercial is funny!

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