Something about the structure of kids going back to school, excites us as well as overwhelms us right?  My kids are grown ups now, but I remember the days! And each year I think I vowed to be better organized! but, with fall, comes sports practices, and games,  homework, and assemblies. Parent/teacher conferences and so much more that we have to try to work into our already busy schedules...

No doubt for kids it seems just as overwhelming!  Learning where to find new classes, adjusting to teachers, learning curriculum and trying out for whatever teams they're into! Not to mention all the other stuff that comes with pier pressure, acceptance, dealing with difficult classmates etc. How we ever survived sometimes is a mystery!

So, maybe a few things are good to keep in mind!

Statistics show that a structured day helps kids feel better organized.

1. Have a good work space for kids to do their homework. Make sure it's well lit. A desk, table, etc. and that it is a place that is quiet so they can concentrate on their school work.

2. Have proper items to help with study time. Available paper, pencils, colored pens etc.

3. When buying school supplies for your student for school, make sure you also keep a supply at home for kids to use and keep at their study area at home.

4. Research shows a structured dinner time with  family can provide security, acceptance and encouragement for students. Connecting with family members and talking about the day helps kids process. And let's face it...we want to KNOW what is going on so this is a good time to investigate! ;)

5. A proper bed time that is consistently enforced is often a perfect excuse for kids to have to say no to certain activities that keep them up too late and shorten the amount of needed rest to grow, learn and be productive.

6. And believe it or not, requiring your kids to do their part of house hold chores,  aside from their obligations at school, is imperative to them becoming productive and well functioning  adults! So without overwhelming them, teaching them the basics of self sufficiency is never a bad idea. Remember, if you do your job right, they WILL be completely able to fend for themselves in this world and hopefully even CONTRIBUTE!

7. Establishing a relationship with teachers is always a good idea, so that teachers are more comfortable discussing the progress of your child as they see it.

And, last but not least: Empowering your child to be responsible and free to become all they can be is so important! Reliving your childhood through your kids isn't a healthy option, if your child hates sports but you push them because you always wanted to be a star football player, that won't do anything but damage your child. Accepting who THEY are driven to become and encouraging them to follow their own path can be incredibly inspiring and confidence building. Kids make better choices when they feel supported, loved and encouraged!

These are just a few things I learned over the years. For more tips on Back to School,

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