
Brotherly Puppy Love
Brotherly Puppy Love
Brotherly Puppy Love
My son owns the sibling brother of my Rhodesian Ridgeback pup, so when they came for the Holidays they brought him along. The two had so much fun playing together and wrestling 247 that at times they were just completely exhausted! It was so cute how they would hang out together the whole time...
Faith's Pup Opens Drawers!
Faith's Pup Opens Drawers!
Faith's Pup Opens Drawers!
Okay my pup is about 16 weeks old now, and I swear he is the most relentless, smart, and rambunctious dog I've ever owned! I'm NOT a newbie when it comes to training dogs! He is a handful to say the least! But, he is so cute! He is very selective at what he decides is worthy of chewing or playing with...
Day 2 Faith Martin Hikes Badger Mountain!
Day 2 Faith Martin Hikes Badger Mountain!
Day 2 Faith Martin Hikes Badger Mountain!
Okay I promise I won't post EVERYDAY that I go. But, it was kinda cool today when we hiked Badger Mountain in the snow! I took a bunch of pics this morning! It was an awesome way to start the day! If you have never done it...You may want to re-consider...
I Hiked Badger Mountain Today and Loved it!
I Hiked Badger Mountain Today and Loved it!
I Hiked Badger Mountain Today and Loved it!
Okay so today I got up real early and hiked the back side of Badger Mountain with my two dogs and a friend and it WAS AWESOME! I can see why people love to do that! What a great way to start the day! It was real foggy and cloudy and kind of misty out but it was actually very pleasant...
Heineken Did Not Sponsor a Dog Fight – Viral Facebook Photo Is Misleading
Heineken Did Not Sponsor a Dog Fight – Viral Facebook Photo Is Misleading
Heineken Did Not Sponsor a Dog Fight – Viral Facebook Photo Is Misleading
If you're ever unsure of something you see online, remember to check out a fact-checking site like Someone I love was asking all their friends to share this Facebook post to shame the Heineken beer company for sponsoring a dog fighting event. Snopes discovered the event was in Mongolia in 2010 at a venue that also held an earlier event sponsored by Heineken. The beer company did not kn
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Help!!
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Help!!
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Help!!
Yes, It's apparant I need Cesar Millan. My new Rhodeisan Ridgback pup is now about 15 weeks. And boy is he a handful!! He keeps me goin 24/7 ! He's like a mouth with legs wanting to chew everything in site! And although he is such a tough little guy, I love him to pieces and so to appease his vocal displeasure and so I can get some sleep...
17 Dogs Dressed Like Santa
17 Dogs Dressed Like Santa
17 Dogs Dressed Like Santa
Santa Claus rules. Unless his beard gets stuck mid-mall stunt, then his cool status gets a little iffy. But otherwise, good ol' St. Nick is really awesome. Why? For starters, he has reindeer as pets, gives out presents for a living and gets thousands of free homemade cookies on Christmas Eve. Basically, the guy's livin' the life. It's no wonder he's survived to be like, hundreds of years old! Read
My 14 Wk Old Pup!
My 14 Wk Old Pup!
My 14 Wk Old Pup!
I bought some new chew toys for my dogs today! I thought I'd post the video so you can see how big he is getting! I love him. He's sooo cute! He is very energetic and goes into the" fight and bite" mode tearing up everything around him, so I have to keep toys and bones around so he doesn't eat the couch...
Pasco Girl’s Puppy Brightened Our Gray Weekend
Pasco Girl’s Puppy Brightened Our Gray Weekend
Pasco Girl’s Puppy Brightened Our Gray Weekend
Sunshine may have been hiding for much of Saturday, but the Tri-City Herald story about a rescued pitbull mix winning dog show awards brightened our day! It was one of the top-read stories of the weekend and illustrates a beautiful truth: it's not where you come from, but what you can achieve that counts.
Awww How Cute!
Awww How Cute!
Awww How Cute!
Aside from being ridiculously adorable, our pets offer up some pretty funny entertainment. For starters, they casually hang out for photo shoots and sneeze to the beat of Dubstep. Basically, if there's a cute behavior to be documented, you can be sure we're on it!

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