
Free Seminar Gives Keys to Thriving Through Cancer
Free Seminar Gives Keys to Thriving Through Cancer
Free Seminar Gives Keys to Thriving Through Cancer
Michele Nieson is a three time cancer survivor and has learned much through her journey. She is now giving advice about her experiences including keeping a sense of humor, tips for staying healthy, positive imagery, and gearing up for survivorship.
Sheryl Crow Has a Benign Brain Tumor
Sheryl Crow Has a Benign Brain Tumor
Sheryl Crow Has a Benign Brain Tumor
Sheryl Crow has tended to laugh off the onstage moments where she forgets lyrics, but it turns out her memory lapses were a sign of a serious medical issue. “I worried about my memory so much that I went and got an MRI,” she told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “And I found out I have a brain tumor. And I was, like, ‘See? I knew there was something wrong.’”
Paralyzed Man Miraculously Able to Dance With Wife For First Time
Paralyzed Man Miraculously Able to Dance With Wife For First Time
Paralyzed Man Miraculously Able to Dance With Wife For First Time
Nearly six years ago, California resident Janne Kouri tragically became paralyzed from the neck down in a freak swimming accident. Doctors gave him no hope for recovery. But now, Kouri is miraculously standing on his own without a walker. In fact, he was able to gave his wife, who married him after the accident, the wedding dance that they never had.

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