
What’s The Most Inappropiate Thing to Put in a Work Email?
What’s The Most Inappropiate Thing to Put in a Work Email?
What’s The Most Inappropiate Thing to Put in a Work Email?
According to a new survey, the most inappropriate thing you can write in a work email is . . . "xoxo" or "Hugs and kisses."  Here's the rest of the top five:  Calling people honey or dear . . . using acronyms like OMG . . . using smiley faces or other emoticons ...
The “Perfect Man” According To Women
The “Perfect Man” According To Women
The “Perfect Man” According To Women
I read a survey conducted by British clothing company Austin Reed, they polled over 2,000 women and asked "What qualities Do You Look For in The Perfect Man"? You might be surprized by the results, I sure was.

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