If you’re from around these parts, you’re likely very familiar with the barrage of bumps on eastbound Interstate 82 between Prosser and Benton City at milepost 91.9. The bumps have been there since the late 80s and the WSDOT hasn’t been able to find a way to fix the problem. Why? The answer is a deep one, literally.
Fall is a great time of year to hike! If you're like me, I've curtailed my hiking during the summer heat. Enjoy the Fall colors and check out this great place to hike!
We told you back in April about Juno. At that time Juno had been at the shelter for six months and was 41/2 years old. She is now ready to turn 5 and closing in on one year at TCAS.
So...Get ready to kick off the holiday season in Walla Walla with the annual Holiday Parade of Lights, presented by the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation.