5 Good Reasons Why A Buc-ee's Should Open Up In Washington State

I remember when I first went to college in Nampa Idaho and ran into my first Maverick gas station.

Is Washington State Going To Get A Buc-ee's In The Future?

I'm always amazed when you run into something in another state and then suddenly they expand into Washington State. 

The list is long on what Washingtonians want like In-N-Out Burgers and Trader Joe's and then suddenly they seem to appear overnight.

One such place is Buc-ee's.

By Larry D. Moore, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25453295
By Larry D. Moore, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25453295

I see my friends on social media all the time posting about it and it's not in Washington State but it made me curious about why a Buc-ee's would be great to see in the Evergreen State.

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If you don't know what a Buc-ee's is, you are missing out. Buc-ee's got its start in 1982 in Texas and has started expanding in 2018.

Buc-ee's is a massive travel center which caters to more than just truckers and they've already got a new location in Colorado that's the closest to Washington State.

According to Wikipedia, new locations include GeorgiaFloridaKentuckySouth CarolinaTennesseeColorado, and Missouri, with new locations planned for North CarolinaMississippiOhioVirginiaLouisianaArkansasArizonaKansas, and Wisconsin.

So Washington State might be another great location for a new Buc-ee's.

By JamesRuddy93 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=82979699
By JamesRuddy93 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=82979699

Here are five reasons why Buc-ee's would be a big hit in Washington State:

1) If you are looking for the cleanest restrooms at a truck stop, Buc-ee's has won awards for the cleanest bathrooms.

2) All locations include a bakery. fudge and brisket bar - YUM!

3) Buc-ee's travel centers usually include 80 - 120 gas pumps so generally no waiting in line to fuel up.

4) Buc-ee's also has a ton of general merchandise so if you forgot something, Buc-cee's is sure to have it.

5) As Buc-cee's has expanded, they've added car washes to some of their travel centers making Buc-cee's a truly one-stop travel center.

google maps
google maps

No word on if we'll get a Buc-cee's in Washington State but I once thought Maverick would never expand past Idaho and here they are now so don't be surprised if a Buc-cee's doesn't show up in the future.

25 Acts That We'd Like To See At The Benton/Franklin County Fair

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Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals

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