A four-hour road trip across southern Idaho will let you soak in some gorgeous fall views, and when you finish with that relaxing breath of fresh air, you'll arrive at a place so scary that you might have nightmares for weeks.  Are you ready?

Oh, why can't they do these insanely scary haunted houses in broad daylight?!  From a wimp's point of view that seems so much better.  But if you have nerves of steel (or at least a date who has nerves of steel that you can rely on for protection), this Halloween-themed road trip is for you.

Lost Souls Attractions in Shelley has opened up The Theatre of the Lost Souls and The Hospital of the Lost Souls for its 18th season, and it might leave a mental scar, so they don't allow any kids under the age of 6, and it's not recommended for kids under 10.  Shelley is a 4-hour road trip from Boise.

The 100-year old Virginia Theater hosts the Theater of the Lost Souls, and the locals say they've spotted several things over the years that don't have any explanation and make them think it's haunted.  There have been sightings of "dark shadows, a little girl in white, a tall man with a beard, and an old lady sitting in an auditorium chair."  People have also reported hearing "strange whispers, crashes, and seeing bright orbs."

If you're looking for an easier time of it, the Hospital of the Lost Souls is not it.  The building on State Street was a working hospital from 1909 to 1926, and it's still standing after surviving a fire and vandalism over the years.  If there is floral wallpaper, you know the place is old and creepy, and this place has it in the old hospital rooms.  They say the dark basement smells musty and the old surgical room upstairs has a sink that's still standing with plenty of space for ghosts to hang out.

Wanna go?

Lost Souls Attractions:
186 S. State Street
Shelley, ID

Monday-Thursday 7:00pm- 9:30pm
Friday & Saturday 7:00pm- 11:00 pm
Special hours:  Oct 22nd, 23rd, 29th, and the 30th 7:00pm- 12:00am

Anticipation is half the fun, right?  And if the anticipation of opening a tube of refrigerated biscuits gives you the willies not knowing when it's going to burst, imagine that four-hour ride to Shelley knowing you're going to get the wits scared out of you when you get there.  Sounds like the perfect Halloween road trip!

The 15 Most Haunted Places In The Treasure Valley

The Boise area is full of ghosts! These are the 15 places that you are most likely going to have a run-in with the paranormal.

Treasure Valley Trunk-Or-Treat Guide 2021

Spooky Season is here and before you know it, the kids will be dressed up in their costumes and on the hunt for their favorite sweets! This is a round up of Trunk-Or-Treat events currently set for this Halloween season! Click the event for more details about what they have planned. Some have costumed contests. Others have adoptable pets in costume. If you're hosting one and would like to be added to our list click HERE.

Trunk-spiration for Meridian's Trunk or Treat

Struggling to find a theme for your business, non-profit or organization's trunk for this year's Meridian Trunk or Treat on October 21? We'll take care of the ideas for you, you just need to need to bring them to life! Here's some possible themes you can use this year!

BTW, the photos from Oriental Trading are full Trunk or Treat kits! If you have no arts and crafts skills whatsoever, you can click the name of the theme and buy the whole kit.

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