Anxious Woman Jumps Out of Plane: Walks on Wing at SeaTac Airport
We've all been there...Your plane finally lands after a long flight with possible delays. You've got your bag out of the overhead and are ready to leave the plane but the minutes turn into what seems like forever, you are tired, hungry, and probably have to pee! Am I right?
You don't want to be impolite but you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs! "Can we hurry this up a bit?!"
Yet, you have to bite your tongue, practice some deep breathing, and talk to yourself quietly about the lesson of 'patience.'
Meanwhile, you are at the back of the plane and you are so overly anxious you want to just climb out the window or grab the escape exit latch and high tail it out of there!
Well, most of us have the good sense NOT to do that but we certainly can't blame someone who simply loses it and pulls the latch and climbs out onto the wing of the airplane.
This happened on an Alaska Air flight after landing at Sea-Tac Airport from Milwaukee, WI.
I'm pretty sure once she did it, she may have wished she didn't. And I'm so curious how she made it OFF the wing and to the ground gracefully.
She was apprehended but I don't think she was charged. It was probably a case of temporary insanity! As I said we've all been there in our minds just maybe not our actions.
Check out this video courtesy of Madison Wade's Instagram post of a News clip explaining the scene.
Send me an App Chat and let me know if you've ever seen anything so crazy!

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