Danny Gallagher
NBC Reports the Tragic Passing of American Astronaut Neil Young
No, that headline and photo aren’t an error. It was, however, when they appeared on the NBC News website.
You’ve Been Warned! The Octomom Has Recorded Her First Single
Nadya Suleman has been doing everything she can to remain relevant in the spotlight since she earned her infamous nickname “the Octomom.” She jumped in the boxing ring. She took a twirl on the stripper pole. She even stepped in front of the camera to shoot an adult film. Now she’s back, and instead of assaulting your vision, this time she’s after your ears as well.
12 Ways to Tell It’s Way, Way Too Hot
Temperatures are reaching new heights as we move into the summer. Sweltering humidity have made being outdoors almost unbearable. The sun is laughing at us.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Fourth of July
The legend of America’s birth is only 236 years old. However, in that short amount of time, a number of legends that would normally take centuries to grow and multiply in any other civilization have sprung up.
13 Signs Facebook Is Following You a Bit Too Closely
Social technology, like Facebook, might be a great way for people to keep in touch, but it can also just as easily become a massive hindrance.
20 Awesome Names for ‘Chuck Norris: The Movie’
Chuck Norris is many things: a kickboxer, a martial arts master, a conservative pundit, an author, a beard wrangler, a face puncher, a small town sheriff and (above all else) a lover.
12 Signs You’re Playing Too Many Video Games
Video games might make for a nice diversion after a busy work day, but like anything, they can become an addiction. It’s a slightly more pathetic addiction than selling your body for Pogs, but it’s still an addiction nonetheless.
Here are some ways to tell that your gaming habits have gone a bit too far...
5th Grader Gets an Absence Excuse Note from President Obama
10-year-old Ryan Sullivan got more than just an autograph from President Barack Obama. He got an excuse note from him as well.
The President was on a fundraising tour this week in Minnesota and his hometown of Chicago, Illinois as part of his reelection campaign. One of the stops was at a Honeywell manufacturing plant in Minnesota.
The 10 Grossest Things People Found in Their Food
Last week, a kid in Michigan ordered a roast beef sandwich from a local Arby’s and got the surprise of his life when he took a big bite out of it and discovered a piece of a human finger bouncing around his mouth.
The truly horrifying fact is that it’s far from the first time this kind of thing has happened. Here are some other equally disgusting things that have been found in restaurant food or e
14 Signs You Aren’t Going to Graduate
Graduation is just around the corner, and now is the time for high schoolers to start deciding what college they want to attend next semester and college grads to choose a career with the least potential for unemployment benefits in two years.
Some, however, won’t get a diploma that they can hang on their wall (assuming that they make enough to afford a frame for it). Here some ways to tell if you
Want to Go to Harvard or MIT? Now You Can with Free Online Courses
Two of America’s most prestigious universities are doing something that any other private university would consider a sign of clinical insanity. They are offering education, knowledge and enlightenment for free.
How Many Hours Does It Take a McDonald’s Worker to Afford a Big Mac? — Dollars and Sense
Economics can complicate the world’s most enlightened mind. They often involve complex equations with more numerals and variables than the theory of relativity.
However, one study has found a rather novel way of measuring and comparing the rise and fall of wages and it involves McDonald’s most famous sandwich.