Benton City Could See Some Flooding From Spring Melt Off
The National Weather Service is predicting snow melt and rainfall creating higher water levels on the Yakima River.
The Kiona Gage near Benton City will start at about 5 feet Thursday morning (April 5) and rise to about 10.5 feet Monday evening (April 9).
The current predicted crest of 10.5 feet is below the bank full action level but may result in water flowing into low lying areas along the Yakima River.
Please note that the Yakima River will be rising about 5.5’ over the next 5 days. If you have equipment or other personal property in or near the Yakima River that may be damaged or destroyed by the rising water, you should move, secure, or otherwise protect it.
You may access the National Weather Service website for the predicted Yakima River water levels for the Kiona Gage near Benton City at the following website:
NOTE: As always, forecasts are not exact. The crest may be higher or lower than predicted.