DNA Tests May Prove Bigfoot Is Real
Next fall Spike TV is getting into the Bigfoot hunting reality TV game with a show called '10 Million Dollar Big Foot Bounty.'
They might want to have their checkbook ready.
Veterinarian Melba S. Ketchum has just finished a five year study of DNA samples that were at the locations of Bigfoot sightings. She came to a rather surprising conclusion.
Ketchum, who has 30 years of experience in genetic research and forensics, and her team at DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, Texas found in the hair, blood and urine samples three nuclear genomes that they say could only come from a Sasquatch-like creature.
According to Ketchum, who says she came into the project skeptical, the hairy beast most likely has its origins in a human woman mating with an unknown primate about 1,500 years ago.
Some are dubious of the finding. They don't doubt Ketchum's sincerity but suggest that a few of the samples may have just been cross-contaminated with the researcher's DNA during handling, creating the illusion of a man/ape hybrid.
Ketchum argues that she used lab techniques which would eliminate the chance of such contamination.
She hopes to have her research published in a peer-reviewed journal, which would give it more legitimacy. But so far she hasn't been able to. Until then, we're not quite sure we are going to officially welcome Bigfoot into the Animal Kingdom.