Watch Brad Pitt and Jimmy Fallon Talk It Out Through the Magic of Breakdance
Ah, the magic of dance! Expressions made through movements of the body! Words don't matter! Wait-- is that Brad Pitt?
Instead of lining up the Hollywood superstar for a standard sit-down chat, 'Tonight Show' host Jimmy Fallon had a little something else up his sleeve for 'Fury' star Pitt on last night's show: a "Breakdance Conversation." Who needs words when you have cardboard, an old warehouse, and -- let's be real here -- super talented stunt doubles? This just might be the best Brad Pitt interview ever, if only because when Pitt really is dancing, he displays a natural grace that's a lot more interesting than a series of on-set stories about that time Shia LaBeouf pulled out his own front tooth in the name of art.
All interviews should be breakdance interviews from henceforth. We're going to need more cardboard.
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