Busted Kennewick Thief Used Box Truck As Getaway Vehicle
Remember the infamous OJ Simpson police chase with the white Bronco? We had our own version of that police chase right here in the Tri-Cities except with a box truck that obviously couldn't go very fast. I think you know this is going to end badly for the suspect right?
The incident started at the Kennewick Home Depot at 3910 W. 27th Ave and then proceeded down Highway 82 near the Finley exit.
Here is what happened according to the police report filed by the Kennewick Police Department:
On 01/19/21 at 2030 hours, Kennewick Police Officers responded to Home Depot, 3910 W. 27th Ave, for a subject with a weapon.
The subject left the area but was quickly pulled over by officers in the area of Highway 82 and the Finley exit.
A felony stop was initiated and the subject complied with officers. The subject is currently in custody and an investigation has been launched.
Shout Out to KPD for a quick takedown of the suspect but for some reason, I think a big box truck rolling down Highway 82 might've been pretty easy to spot. I guess criminals never learn.

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