3 Cheapest Grocery Stores in the Nation Are in Washington State
Where Are The Cheapest Grocery Stores In Washington State?
Inflation is crazy in Washington State but it might surprise you to discover that even with the higher prices, Washington State still has 3 of the top 5 cheapest grocery stores.
Here Are The Three Cheapest Grocery Stores In Washington State
If you've been looking to save some money on your groceries, there are three grocery stores you might want to consider switching to and save yourself a few bucks.

I'll be the first to concede that I shop close to my house and so convenience is my number #1 reason why I shop at the grocery stores that I do.
If you are serious about saving some money, there are three grocery stores that are the cheapest in the nation and yes those stores are in Washington State and the Tri-Cities.
According to money.usnews.com, three of the cheapest grocery stores in Washington State include some regional favorites.
In a ranking of the top 10 cheapest grocery stores in the nation, here are the three local grocery stores that made the list:
Boise-based Winco in the survey scored #3 as the best and cheapest place in Washington State to save money on your groceries.
#6 on the list is Grocery Outlet. You've seen their commercials and with their overstock strategy, you can save a bunch of money at Grocery Outlet.
I think #7 on the list won't surprise anyone who lives in the Pacific Northwest, Costco is ranked high among the cheapest grocery stores in the United States.
So the next time you want to save money on groceries, those three grocery stores in Washington State and the Tri-Cities might be worth checking out.
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