Clean Out Your Computer Day!
Today is "Clean Out Your Computer Day!" And that got me wondering about a few things...
Like for instance, the fact that ALL of my pictures are stored on Facebook now. I don't have photo albums anymore, I've way past stopped developing pictures to put in frames. unless, there is a really special one that I want to enlarge.
And of course I still haven't done it, I just think that I will get it off Facebook one day and go enlarge it and frame it. But, I never seem to make that happen!
I even went to Costco and bought frames before Christmas, particularly for that purpose, and I still haven't done it. It seems I don't have time to do those things...
Well, I wonder sometimes, If the internet went down permanently how it might affect my life and all the things I have NOT backed up to a hard drive!
In fact, I've become really quite lazy in the picture department. I have old photos of my kids in high school on my walls when they are 4 years graduated from college! Yikes! What is wrong with me! And those photos are with OLD girlfriends! Gosh, I really need to get on the ball!
So take advantage of today and clean out all those miscellaneous documents and emails and back up all the things you want to save! etc. And let me know how that works out for ya! Cause that is the last thing in the world I feel like doing today...:)
Good luck with that!