Drunk Driver Thrown From Vehicle, Killed Near Grand Coulee Dam
Grant County Sherriff's say the 23-year-old man was not wearing a seatbelt, and was ejected around 2am Wednesday morning.
The accident occurred about a mile south of Electric City, a small town of about 1,000 just below Grand Coulee Dam.
Brandon Buche was driving his Jeep Cherokee on Coulee View Road when he failed to negotiate a corner. The vehicle left the road, and as the sheriff's report indicated, 'tripped' on the soft gravel ditch beside the road and rolled one and a quarter times.
Buche was pronounced dead at the Coulee Medical Center. His passenger, 23-year-old Brandon Boutain of Almira, only suffered minor injuries.
Although the investigation continues, officials say alcohol was a factor in the crash.
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