If you've lived in the Tri-Cities for even just a few years, you probably remember Snowmageddon. Everybody thought we were going to get this wonderful mild Winter, and then bam! Suddenly Spring was right around the corner, the trees and flowers were ready to burst out, but then the cold and all that snow. None of the plants really knew what to do. I remember my tomatoes that year struggling and struggling after being so confused in the beginning. Well, according to the Farmers' Almanac, it looks like Snowmageddon will happen again this year but not in our area!  If you've got friends or family in Montana as I do, they're the ones that are in for it where they can expect cold weather and above-normal snowfall. That includes Wyoming, Colorado, and the Dakotas. There is snowfall expected on the East Coast too, but that's fairly usual. For Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, the forecast is for mild and dry conditions except for further west where will be a bit wetter. We've already had quite the wet Winter, and more of that will surely come, but overall it looks like Snowmageddon will pass us by! The other good news is that we'll be able to water fully this summer with no drought expected. The mountain passes and plenty of snow and any rain we get usually means additional snow up there, so the snowmelt will be plenty, but hopefully not enough to flood the Yakima River (Benton City usually is affected) or the Walla Walla to Pendleton areas.



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