Find a Job at the B-F-W-D-C Virtual Job Fair
The Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council is hosting a Virtual Job Fair on Thursday, July 29th from 10 am till 1 pm.
Need a J-O-B?
Did you lose your job due to the pandemic? Maybe you don't NEED a job but are looking for other opportunities. If either is the case, mark the date of July 29th from 10 am to 1 pm to attend the Benton Franklin Workforce Development Council Virtual Job Fair. Over 45 companies and organizations are participating.
Get Connected
It's a fantastic way to get your foot in the door at some reputable companies. It's also a great way to see and hear about many positions available at over 45 businesses in attendance. You'll be able to visit with hiring managers and company representatives to ask questions about positions that you may have an interest in. Ask questions and gain knowledge. The job fair offers the perfect situation to introduce yourself to potential employers.

Get Registered
You can upload your resume and get registered for the Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council Job Fair below.
Are you a business looking for employees?
If you're a business owner searching for an employee or qualified staff, join the free event to talk with potential employees. You're invited to sign up for a booth at the Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council Job Fair. Contact Thailee Gomez at 509-734-5965 or email tgomez@esd.wa.gov. Worksource, TC Futures, and Columbia Basin College have teamed to provide the Virtual Job Fair to partner you with possible future employees. If you're looking for your next candidate, join the event and talk with people who want to join your business.
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