Scorpions Here’s Where You Might Find One in Tri-Cities
The Northern Scorpion thrives in the Pacific Northwest, specifically in southeast Washington where it’s dry and warm. Even though they’re plentiful, you could go a lifetime without running into one. They do sting, but unless you’re already susceptible to allergic reactions, the venom rarely causes significant side effects. You could compare it to a bee sting or spider bite.
These little buggers like to hunt at night and are considered good for keeping the insect population in check with nature. They hunt and feast on insects and other small prey they can fit in their tiny claws. Where would you likely find one? Look for them in dead wood, under rocks, burrowed in tree bark, and in crawl spaces.
What other bugs cause health issues or even death in Washington State?
If you can believe it, Mosquitos cause more deaths in the world than any other insect. It’s estimated Mosquitos are the root cause of over 750,000 deaths worldwide each year. Who would’ve thought that such a small insect could cause so much harm?
According to the Washington State Department of Health, Mosquitos in Washington present a significant threat to your health, and with 40 different species flying around your chances of getting bit are very high. It’s recommended during the warmer months you apply repellant to exposed skin, especially during the evening hours. Although your chances are slim, it is possible to contract West Nile Virus, St. Louis encephalitis, or Western equine encephalitis.
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