They're called multi-season tags, a form of a special hunt permit in Washington that offers a variety of benefits for hunters throughout the state.

The multi-season pass for deer and elk offers the hunter a chance to extend their hunting season, and get in on special hunts under any weapon type. There's also no need to buy a deer or elk license, or tag, before applying for the Multi-season tag. However, the bag limit still remains at one animal.

If a lucky hunter is selected for the 2023 multi-season tag, they can hunt in any open unit statewide during all general seasons, starting with archery, then muzzle-loader, and finally modern firearm, to get in more hunting days and increase the odds of success.

If selected, you also can also hunt in seasons stretching from September into December (depending on where you choose to hunt), apply for special hunts under all three weapon types: archery, muzzle-loader, and modern firearm, and hunt in both Eastern and Western Washington with an elk multi-season tag. However, you'll need to buy your multi-season tag before the special hunts deadline on May 24.

First off, you'll have to decide what species you want to hunt for, as each species has its own categories and application types.

For deer, elk and turkey (my holy trinity of hunting), you'll have to purchase a hunting license prior to submitting a special hunt permit application. Though for deer and elk, you going to have to purchase a transport tag (selecting a weapon type and location) before you submit a special hunt permit application.

For some of the lesser hunted animals, mountain goat, moose, or bighorn sheep, you won't have to purchase a hunting license prior to submitting a special hunt permit application. However, if you are drawn, you will be required to purchase a license before you receive your special hunt permit.

As for the purchase of the special hunt permit, they can be obtained at a licensed vendor, online, or call 360-902-2464. If you purchase a special hunt permit application but DO NOT submit it, you will be awarded one point and will not be eligible for the drawing for that season.

To submit the application, which must be done between 4/24/23 and 5/24/23, just submit it online after setting up a profile here.

After that, you can check the results of the drawing in your WILD account in June. Applicants with a valid email will receive an email alert when the results are available.

See hunting regulations for additional information, rules, and program details.

Happy hunting, folks.

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