Kennewick Irrigation Season Will End October 12th
The Kennewick Irrigation District has announced the end of the irrigation season.
The official water shut-off date is October 12th but the Kennewick Irrigation District has a few reminders for customers as the season comes to a close.
KID is asking customers NOT to blow out their sprinklers until a week after the official shut-off date. If you do it before, water might flow right back into your pipes and could cause damage over the winter.
KID is also reminding customers that there will still water in the canals but the reason is that water is used for testing and not irrigation.
A final reminder from The Kennewick Irrigation District is that the 2nd half of your irrigation payment is due by October 31st.
KID says that paying on time will ensure that your entire payment is applied to your assessment.
When a payment is late, the late fee and interest are paid first, then the remaining payment is applied to the assessment, leaving a small balance which will incur additional interest.
Lastly KID is reminding customers that they'll be going back to their "water-off" hours after the irrigation season ends and will be open Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM.
If you need more details, click here.