Kennewick Residents Are You Breaking the law?
Here is a list of the most common Code enforcement "Unwanted" List...are you in violation?
Once a complaint is received, a Code Enforcement Officer goes out and validates the complaint. If a violation exists, a Compliance Warning Letter is sent with a 45 day compliance deadline.
If the violation still exists, a formal Notice & Order is issued. The Notice & Order carries a minimum of a $500 fine and compliance is still required. If compliance is not achieved, the case may be forwarded to the City Attorney's office for further legal action.
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Unfit building
If it looks like a fort that Danny and Bobby built...yet people are living in it...you may wanna call CODE ENFORCEMENT!
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Vehicle repair on residence
If your neighbor scooter is working on building the ultimate monster truck in his driveway....but its taking 3 years...You may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!
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No garbage service
if garbage bags are stacked higher than the house....yaaaa...You may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!!!
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Junk and Debrise
If your neighbor has a yard sale and leaves it outside for 13 weeks...You may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!!
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Sidewalk Obstruction
If Julian and his band of wanna be basketball players leave the portable hoop on the sidewalk...you may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!
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Weed and Grasses
if your weeds are more than 12"...guess what? I'm calling CODE ENFORCEMENT!
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Unsound Fencing
If your fence is a lil wobbly after the last wind storm...you may want to run to home depot and grab a couple of posts and quickrete...If you don't...guess what? i'm calling CODE ENFORCEMENT...lol
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