KPD K-9 Bear is Retiring
Talk about a heartwarming story.
This makes me smile. While perusing Facebook this morning, I learned of K9 Bear's retirement.
Bear has quite a unique story. No one knows exactly what his breed is. So, there are plans to have a DNA test. Everyone wants to know.
We do know that Bear has had a successful career. Bear was with the Kennewick Police Department department for just over 7 years. He helped locate over 340 pounds of meth, over 50 pounds of cocaine, and over 40 pounds of heroin.
Bear will spend his retirement with his handler, Officer Merkl, who describes Bear as part lab and part miniature horse.
Way to go Bear! Thank you for your service. You've earned it. I hope Bear gets lots of treats, will be able to sleep in, and gets to go on long walks. Bear deserves it.