Watch Kylo Ren Go Undercover As A Millennial Intern on ’SNL’
Adam Driver returned to host last weekend’s episode of Saturday Night Live, bringing back his iconic interpretation of Star Wars villain Kylo Ren as a contestant on the reality show Undercover Boss. In 2016, Kylo Ren appeared in the standout SNL sketch “Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base” as Matt, a radar technician at Star Killer Base. In a special edition of Undercover Boss: Where Are They Now, Driver reprises his role of Kylo Ren, going incognito as new millennial intern, “Randy”:
“I’ll say it, I haven’t been the best boss lately,” broods Kylo Ren in his opening interview. “I’ve been a little distracted by some... personal drama." Mind you, the sketch takes place before the events of The Rise of Skywalker but after The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. Donning a wig and beanie combo, Kylo marches into the intern headquarters attempting to blend in. He repeats “OK Boomer” in an incredibly mechanical tone, slogging through clerical tasks with humiliation. It doesn’t take long for "Randy" to crack under the intensity of Kylo Ren’s true personality.
Once again, Driver manages to strike the perfect balance of satire without giving up the integrity of his character. But the sketch also rings with melancholy — it’s presumably the last time we’ll see Driver as the supreme leader of the First Order. That’s gonna take a while to settle in.
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