Skeptics wonder why Bigfoot hasn't been captured on video lately since everybody has a phone. And what about Loch Ness Monster? Drone footage is a great way to sneak up on something like Bigfoot or Nessie, don't you think? Well, it turns out this fella paddling across Loch Ness during a charity expedition for the Alzheimer's Society, was running drone footage of the event. At first, he didn't notice anything unusual, but as he was posting the footage to his YouTube channel, something came into view. Could it be? Could it? Could it be the Loch Ness Monster? It looks pretty amazing if you ask me. I'm not really sure about the existence of Bigfoot, but I think Nessie has a better chance of hiding from people in the water and therefore a better chance of actually existing! It's crazy to think that sightings of a monster in Loch Ness have been going on since the 6th century, according to an article in the New York Post.

Check out the video below and see what you think, and get more details about the man who took the video in the article from the New York Post HERE.



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