Pasco Goodwill Invites The Public For Behind The Scenes Tour
I recently toured the Pasco Goodwill store and their amazing Employment Connection Center. I was delightfully surprised at all of the valuable services the Goodwill brings to our community.Make plans to join the tour you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Goodwill’s Employment Connection Center is a free, walk-in job search assistance program helping job-seekers create resumes, prepare for interviews, and provides access to community resources and information.
The Employment Connection Center also provides access to a computer lab, computer tutorials, skills assessments, and internet job-search services designed to improve job-seeking skills to help you get that job!
For more information about Goodwill’s Employment Connection Center, call (509) 460-4704, or visit the Employment Connection Center at 3521 W. Court Street, Pasco, Washington 99301.
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