PETA Says Lady Gaga + Rihanna Are ‘Freaks’
Lady Gaga isn’t the only fashion conscious pop star to draw the ire of PETA, the animal rights organization. Rihanna is also being targeted (again), with the two starlets being dubbed “freaks” for their fashion choices deemed cruel to animals.
Gaga and PETA went at it over Furgate last month, with the Mother Monster refusing to acknowledge if the furs she was seen wearing were synthetic or real. She did say she avoids skinned fur but also admitted she could cave if she came a cross a fur coat that looked like a work of art. Her response to being criticized by PETA was very middle of the road, with some reports indicating that Gaga was wearing synthetic materials, especially the pink coat she wore in August of all months.
Now RiRi is being firebombed with insults. Ri previously wore ostrich feathers, and was criticized for doing so exactly a year ago. Now, PETA has griped to The Daily Express over the ‘We Found Love’ singer’s snakeskin boots.
Referencing the singer’s tear-filled interview with Oprah, where she lamented her love for ex-BF Chris Brown, PETA said, “Rihanna may not have a clue that snakes killed for boots are often nailed to a tree and skinned alive. Of course, they can’t go on Oprah to cry about it.” Ouch. PETA is really going for the jugular here, in effort to convince RiRi to stop wearing exotic animal skins and hides in her attire.
Those animal rights crusaders in PETA went as far as to say that Gaga and RiRi wear their ensembles because they are freaks that want to attract attention. PETA continued, “Wearing reptile skin is creepy and callous, and it makes her look even more out of touch … She and Lady Gaga seem so desperate to be freaks instead of recognized for their talents that you have to wonder if they realize that they are being laughed at.”
Fur and snakeskin makes the ladies look like freaks desperate and starved for attention, according to PETA. The group wants ‘em to think twice about what they put on their bodies, especially if it’s an animal pelt or skin that was derived from suffering.
PopCrushers, what do you guys think of Gaga and RiRi wearing fur and snakeskin?
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