Pringles ‘Anthem’ 2014 Commercial – What’s the Song?
You can do a lot with both a Pringle and its tubular canister. In fact, no matter what you do with 'em, you don't just eat' em, indulging in and enjoying their salty, junk food goodness. The 'Anthem' commercial proves that. What's the high-octane rock song in the spot?
It's called 'Let Go' by Vinyl Hearts, a four-piece, alt rock band from Memphis, Tenn. The song is also used in 'The Muppets Most Wanted' trailer, so it clearly has a universal appeal to the people who listen to songs and put them commercials and film previews. Their self-titled EP is out now. Learn more about 'em here.
It’s a cute commercial that finds people using Pringles tubes for a whole bunch of purposes, including golf games, as swords and more!