Protect Yourself West Nile Virus Active in Tri-Cities Right Now!
Benton County Mosquito district found a pool of mosquitoes in West Richland that tested positive for the deadly West Nile Virus and they are warning the entire community to protect yourself...
In a interview with KEPR News Angela Beehler, district manager of Benton County Mosquito Control says "
West Nile virus is now active in the area for this season so mosquitoes are going to transmit that to the birds and birds are going to carry it from place to place.
A vaccine is available for horses, but there is no vaccine available for humans.
We just want to make sure that people are aware that it's here. Take precautions. Wear mosquito repellent, long sleeves, long pants, when possible loose-fitting clothing and empty the standing water around their property all those things are really important
Mosquito protection fun facts...