The Benton Franklin Health District issues what are called Unified Situation Reports now concerning COVID, instead of posting data directly on the pages of their COVID section.

It used to be visible to get much more breakdown data, but now due to a lot more information, it's contained in these Situation Reports.  According to the most recent one, which was likely used by the Department of Health to put the B-F County Phase Two application on "pause," there are a number of interesting finds.

The report claims a large spike in cases occurred due to Mother's Day get together events, they anticipate a possible spike from this weekend's Fathers Day. The report also makes note:

  • "Tested 150 people from Gourmet Trading and 100 from the Sea Mar- La posada housing community. There were 13 people who tested positive from Sea Mar. All of these individuals are itinerate farm workers.  Currently there are 15 confirmed active outbreaks – these outbreaks meet the definition of an outbreak and have had active cases within the last 28 days. Additionally, there are 13 potential outbreaks that are being investigated but cannot be confirmed as an official outbreak at this time."

The report also lists the following among what they say are current risk factors:

  • Lack of social distancing in community parks and recreation areas.
  •   Demonstrations are planned for Saturday VERY NEAR the BFHD building. The Safety Officer has coordinated with incident command on expected staffing at the BFHD building on Saturday and have exchange contact numbers and information. 
  • Planning for the release of restrictions and a Phase 2 reopening of businesses/industries/government in accordance with the Safe Start Reopening Plan. Although the disease activity metric has changed to <25 cases per 100,000 population over 14 days, both Benton and Franklin remain over this metric.  Citizens not complying with the mask directive. 
  • Large business refusing testing to avoid the possibility of having identified positive cases at their work site. 
  • Protection of H2A workers (farmworkers from other countries who are brought into our area to fill temporary agriculture jobs) and especially the ones that move between jobs/farms while in the area. 

To see the report for yourself, click on the button below.

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